Wednesday 26 March 2008

Blog 1 Bad things you did 12/03/08

Blog 1
12/03/08 (uploaded 26/03/08)

Bad things you did

Although I couldn’t attend this lecture I had a wonderful time reading the confessions of the group on wolf. It’s fair to say however, it was much as I expected, with perhaps the exception of the violence aimed at animals.
I have decided as I wasn’t present at the lecture that I will be brave and wave my anonymity, not as a full blown confession, but put more simply (for me at least) I will tell you all, from the confessional list, what I have not done:

I have never beaten an animal, accepted cash for sex or, anything of a sexual nature, committed arson or attempted murder.

I will leave the rest open for your dirty little imaginations ( I’ve also been arrested once this year and don’t want any hard incriminating evidence published online!)

I found it was very interesting going to the next lecture after reading all of the confessions, I found myself looking around the lecture theatre trying to put faces to the crimes. I think I may have been right in some cases to.

Here is an interesting link, as this is an online journal this site is by a woman who is confessions to the bad “online” things/mistakes she has made… quite funny, similar to when you text the wrong person something highly inappropriate.

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