Monday 10 March 2008

Response to Oli's "Selfless acts"

Emma Skipp said...
Oliver......I have been reading you blog , and what a gem it is! , however I must admit I found this particular article the most poignant, I think you have made a very interesting point, perhaps some other things need to be considered? Firstly as you said you were at work, had you not assisted the disabled folk you may well have got in trouble, or even sacked in the crazy politically correct world in which we live, but you were at work and thus helping anyone is your role . However I do see your point quite clearly, had you for example noticed a disabled person struggling to get through a door at uni, they were, lets say ten feet away from you and you were aware of other people being closer, do you A) Hold out for someone else to help (and hope no one noticed you watching and waiting) or B) Run to their aid immediately, having no prior thought of it was or was not the right thing to do.I could go on and on about this But I wont bore you for too much longer, what I’m saying is this, I personally believe its very dependant on the individual, if they are by nature a truly more selfless person, and of course ye old upbringing has a large influence in how we respond to that type of situation.When I left school I worked in a nursing home, a paid job I must point out, but not well paid and clearly not a job that everyone could do or would want to. Did I choose that job because I felt I was helping people less fortunate than me? Or because on some level it would make me feel good about myself? I suppose I better go and think about that!Em x
06 March 2008 12:33

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