Tuesday 6 May 2008


I thought, (and it became apparent that I was not alone) that the word Tattoo originates from the Military drumming “Tattoo” however I soon discovered that its roots are far more ancient, stretching back thousands of years. The word is actually derived from the Polynesian Word “Tatu”, a verb meaning to “Strike”.

It seems strange to me, after doing a bit of research on the history of tattooing that its now a common form of art, body decoration in western culture is seen widely as fashionable yet in China years ago Tattooing was used on criminals to “brand” them after they had offended three times. Three lines were tattooed onto the forehead, the symbol for “Dog” so that everyone could easily recognise them. Fantastic idea if you ask me, it would be most useful today in this country for branding paedophiles and rapists for example? The Japanese organised crime collective, the “Yakuza” used full body tattoos to identify members of the gang, the more tattoos they had the more committed they are. Similarly street gangs in Africa, tattoo the neck and hands to prove commitment.

Egyptians were tattooing themselves for decorative reasons back in the days of the pyramids. The Chinese adopted the form around 2,000 B.C. The practice of making permanent marks into the skin with pigment has been found at some point in nearly every major culture in history.

Here is a link to tattoo discussion board. Who says tattoos are sacrilegious? Does the bible? Why do many good Christians condemn those who have tattoos or who want to get tattooed?It seems every Christian anti-tattoo argument is based primarily on one thing...a single verse from Leviticus:"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks upon you: I am the LORD."

http://christianblogs.christianet.com/1197902452.htm Here is another very interesting discussion board, again from Christians, I cant help but wonder (being non –religious, but certainly not hateful) an all loving all powerful God would surely not judge you as a evil person for having a tattoo, in fact one would think his attentions would be better spent directed elsewhere in the utter chaos we live in? Just a thought?
(Anyone who is religious and happens to be reading this please doesn’t take personal offence just spend a moment looking at the newspapers or watching the news and it will all become clear.)

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