Thursday 21 February 2008

Bad blog number 1

My suggestion for a field trip is Stone Henge. It is a very selfish suggestion as I want to go there and I have never been, although I realise Its not really a "bad" place to go, perhaps we could go on summers soltace and run around naked and stoned?
It was a suggestion right?

Or what about Amsterdam? Again very selfish, I have not been and wouldd like to, and thats far more inkeeping with the being bad theme. We could go and watch one of these famous sex shows, and drink crazy mushroom tea, I imagine thats pretty bad.


Oliver Kendall said...

Hello Emma, i thought I would be the first to post on your blog! Yeah, I think that running around naked and stoned at Stonehenge seems a rather interesting way to test out 'being bad', although the trip to Amsterdam seems even more entertaining, yet more significant to the task in hand.


Anonymous said...

Bonjour Lady Skipp,

I have been to stonehenge so I have! However I was but all of ten years, so the running around naked, getting stoned part wasn't in the deal. However if we do end up going for our field trip, thats the first thing on my list of 'to dos.' I'd say its rather in keeping with the being bad theme, though Amsterdam is full of naughties, and a trip there may be just as worth while?

Helen X