Tuesday 29 April 2008

Bad Comedians blog

Bad Comedians blog

I thoroughly enjoyed this lecture, I found although perhaps not the most informative, achingly honest. After all surely that what it’s all about? It seems today that is our only way of self expression, through Humour, Irony, Sarcasm; they are now all so common place. We all accept the inherent need for laughter, yet when it come s down to the nitty gritty Our political policies forbid us from using so many political terms and phrases . For example using phrases as simple as “a youth” when describing the little terror that’s vandalising your local neighbourhood. Our government require us to refer to him/her as a “ner do well”
Now surely that is the government having a joke with us? Right?
Oh right they actually mean that one as well.
Getting back to the lecture, I’m personally pro bad comedians, it frankly amazes me that we live in a world that actively condones violence in the shape of war, but also wants us to “not say any bad thing about anyone in case they get upset”!! What kind of craziness is that? If we were led by example in that way we wouldn’t make fun of people using words, make jokes about their colour or religion (and I must point out at this point as so well highlighted in the lecture, anyone that thinks they belong to some kind of group that is the butt of these age old jokes should now see that the blonde jokes can easily be substitute for the black jokes, fat jokes, anybody jokes) we would just get straight down to some violence

Here is a link to the guardian article when Bernard manning died, its interesting how tame they have been in laying into him now he has passed
away, its just honest but having read some reveiws about him.........http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2007/jun/19/theatrenews.theatre

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