Friday 2 May 2008

Response to Helen Calcut Drugs

Interesting... Mind altering because we live in a "bubble" or could it be that perhaps for most drug users it's a form of escape from their reality? We associate drug users widely as "drop outs" or lesser people in the lovely society chain, (or celebs!) however I personally know drug users from all walks of life, taking all sorts of drugs. As far as I can see they all do it for that reason, to "let go2 often to get the well earned release from a days work. Whether it be” hard" or "soft" drugs, I agree with you, the reason they are controversial is only because they are illegality should never be overlooked, like you said, the effects of drugs chain, often coming from poverty stricken countries, the people harvesting them usually grossly underpaid (like for example many other legal trades such as coffee production)

I suppose my stance on this subject, like many others is each to their own and everything in moderation. It seems quite simple if you eat too much cake you will get fat and expose yourself to all manor of health problems, same if you smoke (cigarettes or cannabis) and if you do too much or any drug you will become addicted and as we are very aware that is never a good thing. So many laws are there to protect us, but let’s face it not all are good, perhaps protecting us from the evils of alcohol would be worth a try?
fact * I literally whilst writing this just heard on the local news that woman being arrested for being drunk and disorderly has risen by 50% in the last five years. The most effected area being the West midlands, the woman interviewed was from Wolverhampton. Perhaps some calming alternatives to anger fueled booze might be a good idea for her?

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